California Freezies more than meet the new school regulations for no sugar added beverages – they exceed them. Freezies are 100% fruit juice and that’s it! No artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors, and no white grape juice – just 100% real fruit goodness.

You absolutely cannot beat the refreshing, icy cold, fresh sliced fruit taste of a California Freezie. There is none of that telltale aftertaste that comes with all those artificial ingredients. Freezies are a much healthier choice for children of all ages.

But wait! Berkeley Street Beverage Company hasn’t just come up with a great product. We’ve gone one step further. We have a phenomenal profit increasing program for school food services.

Here’s how it works:

YOU CHOOSE THE FLAVORS YOU WANT -- Slammin’ Strawberry, Wild & Wacky Watermelon, Groovy Grape, Cherrylicious, Mango Dream, Tropical Blast, I Like It Lemony and Piñata Colada!

WE DO THE REST -- We bring in the machines, set them up, and maintain them regularly at no charge to you. There are no leasing or purchasing fees -- ever. In less than an hour you are up and running and on your way to increased profits for your school. Schools that sell 1 case of product a week (385 12 oz servings) make more than $10,000.00 profit in one school year!

You can also use Freezies for the School Lunch Program. Our 100% fruit juice Freezies qualify for reimbursement. And the kids love them! Schools are reporting that Freezies definitely increase participation!

Our Bunn Ultra machines are state of the art. They require only 16 inches of counter space. No water lines are necessary – just a good 110 volt outlet. They are easy to use, everything is computerized, and they are easy to clean – only four removable parts, takes less than 15 minutes. Best of all, the timer is built in so the product is frozen and ready to serve when staff arrives for work.

If you are wondering if the kids at your school will like California Freezies, why not let them decide. Nothing makes us happier than coming out to a school to do a taste demo. Just contact us and we’ll set up an appointment.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in learning more about, please contact us.

Juicy Jax | California Freezies | Iced Mochas & Lattes | Granitas

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